Información y Opinión

Spain need to be "reset"

by Francisco Rubiales Moreno

Publicado en Voto en Blanco y reproducido, en inglés, en World Revolution, el 21 de abril de 2013.

The latest barometer of the CIS, in which political corruption appears as a second concern of Spaniards and the political class as the fourth, confirms the deep crisis and the failure of the Spanish political system, you need to be "reset".

The "term" reset, applied to Spain, is not me but one of my best sources, a former senior official in the US State Department which today is a member of one of the most prestigious think tanks Democrats in Washington, dedicated to the study and analysis of world politics. My friend, with whom I talk a couple of times a year and is reader sporadic voting blank, has called me to be scandalized before the results of the CIS barometer and to tell me that in the United States, the system could not resist a rejection of such citizen.

My friend, the expert and valued "analyst", reminds me of injustice "generates violence" and said to me: "Come here because it has to burst".

Believes that the essence of democracy are not rules, nor the election of representatives, but the managed trust in administrators and a political class that harvest mistrust and even rejection, as in Spain, is a failed political class that has "liquidated" the system and which have perhaps placed it in a point of "no return". I asked him whether those views are endorsed or shared by other experts and said to me: "all the scholars I know say the same thing".

The rejection of corruption and political class are not the main problem, but the symptoms of a disease called distrust, a disease that is very serious because without confidence democracy there and turns into a tyranny that citizens have to endure.

Adds that United States is inconceivable a situation like the one in Spain and which, if it occurs, the entire system would jump into the air and would open up a period of constituent, after cancel and delete the parties and placed under severe surveillance to the institutions of the State.

Logically, I agree with my friend analyses, which are the logical in any advanced and decent democracy on the planet. the situation of Spain as democratically is degrading and degraded that it seems impossible that it can recover.

The only thing I differ from my friend the scholar expert is to my worst of Spain is not even distrust disease, but the firm will share the politicians, journalists, officials of the State and good part of the citizenry not to see the problem and not to take it.

This morning I heard one Tertullian Spanish Television say that the CIS data are "exaggerated" and that corruption is not to do so. A day earlier, Rajoy claimed, with supine impertinence, he is sure that the majority of Spaniards defend and want an institution like the Crown.

No one knows the truth in Spain because the power not interested know it. I am sure that the CIS surveys, if they continue to reflect the thunderous failure of the political class, will be cooked or deleted in the future. I am also sure that if a survey on the State of the autonomies, the financing of political parties with public money or "breed" privileges, this would result in overwhelming rejection. Why politicians do not ask Spaniards what they want, because the answer would you them power.

Spain has to be "reset", meaning that they deletion you memory, hard disk, its flawed power structure and their rules and laws dramatically failed else need politicians and journalists subjected to realize that the Spanish system is "collapsed" and that false Spanish democracy has entered full-fledged crisis?

The political class has abused the power and has gone too far, placing Spain in a State of deep crisis and no return. The people are stupid, but not so much to forget that savings banks have been looted while nobody pay for it or return the stolen money, which many elderly retirees have been swindled and looted with preference shares, while the Governments of Zapatero and Rajoy have done nothing to prevent it, saves consecrate plundering so bankers can have more money. Also it has gone too far causing suicides before the wave of evictions, some of them covered in an abusive law which has already been condemned by European justice and unfair. People don't forget that thousands of politicians thieves who cannot justify their heritage are free and that no one claims them what has been stolen. Nor do they forgive politicians who charge them disproportionate tax and to cut basic services without that they have renounced the bulk of their privileges and unless they have slimmed down a State so fat, fatty, unsustainable and riddled with useless parasites with meat party, which is an affront to decency and which is impossible to finance in times of crisis.

For all these and other many abuses and atrocities, all patched up by political power with deceptions and lies institutionalized, false Spanish democracy is now despised by its citizens, it has entered into a spin and need, urgently, to be "reset".

(This article is dedicated, with affection and respect, to all readers and followers from voting in white that sometimes feel lonely and some fear that its analyses and conclusions are exaggerated. Know that in the most prestigious centers of studies and analysis of the planet it is thought like, even more radical and drastic that we, on indecent "" Spanish democracy).

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Viernes, 7 de Junio 2013
Artículo leído 853 veces

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